
Sometimes I like to write poems. I don't imagine they're exceptional, but I thought I'd put them somewhere. Most things I write remain unnamed but I think they suit that better, many of them are half thoughts anyway.



Help me, won't you?
I am asking, begging for a hand
I reach for you, but you do not reach back
Can you not see me falling?
Even as I scream?
I am dying
Although you did not push me you did not save me
Complicit, we are both complicit
But at least I reached out



I do not want you in my house
But like a virus you shall infect my halls
I do not want and yet I need
You make me sick, and I need a fever
Sweat you out so that I may open my door again
I do not want you in my house, and yet I keep the key below the mat
May you let yourself in



Your silence is profound
That is not good
It is in your silence that the worst is found
I remember the noise, I wish it were here
I sit in desire for you to be near
I'm sorry
I miss you.



You are not a place of honour
You are not to be commemorated

Your sand is turned to glass under her light
Your rivers turn to sand under that harshest gaze

I do not love you, but I remember your name
I do not commemorate it



Hello? Good morning? I hope you're still there
I'm here of course, I don't recall ever moving
You see, that might just be my problem, not moving
And I suppose I'll remedy it to an extreme
I'll move far away and forget everyone that isn't you
Will you be there? When I change and the scenery isn't quite the same?
I'd imagine not, but let's pretend shall we?
The imagination is a wonderful thing



Sobriety lied to me, said I would feel better
But whatever the weather, I can't weather
I'm burning up returning in orbit, your atmosphere ignites me
Needing you when you won't need me
I'm needy, worthless and withering
Rotting in an untidy room, this ship was made to sink
This sinking feeling makes me think I wasn't made to take
Whatever it is you need, I suppose I'll fake
Maybe sobriety is something I can make ok



I am tired, and so I look to the stars
They speak, and yet they tell me nothing
They speak of the future and beauty and light
They speak of the cool air on your skin, drying your eyes
They speak of so much, and yet it tells me nothing
I look away from the stars. Perhaps I should sleep



One day I am going to crack
And it will not be your fault
And you will be to blame
The devil only needs a moment
And you will look away
You let him in, but the target was still on my back



Some days I don't brush my teeth
You see, it's not a matter of can't perse
Although one might argue it is
The brush is in its place, the paste is beside it